Doug Dahl of LEVATUS Wealth Services

Doug Dahl

Technology Consultant 

Main: | 617 505 4710

During his time at university Doug worked professionally across a broad range of innovative, high energy organizations. He finds himself truly in ‘flow’ when he can use his technical skills and experience in conjunction with his ability to lead, in order to help bring a team's vision to life. Unleashing the power of collaboration and multi-disciplinary idea generation is where Doug thrives.

With a computer science and psychology major from Vanderbilt University, Doug codes in many languages and strives to integrate the human experience with technology. He guides technology infrastructure implementation, evolution and development at LEVATUS. Doug is also currently working with Teach for American and developing a cutting edge Ed Tech software application.


Little thing that makes him laugh: 

"The Incredibles...Jack-Jack is the only normal person in the family and he's not even potty trained."